What problems do 4PointZero solve? – Part 4

30 March

Jamie Allen

The final part of our problem-solving series covers information mainly around how we provide our services, rather than the technical products themselves. Quality service is so critical to what we do and it is why our customers come to us. You can buy individual products from suppliers and they will support you to varying degrees, but we believe that you should be able to get all the products you need and relevant expertise in one place.

Non-biased advice designed to solve the problems specifically in your business is critical and will add far more value than a one-trick pony who only offers one finance solution. Below are some of the service-based solutions we offer to make sure things are done properly.

Integrated Payroll Bureau Systems and Partners

This point starts on a system-based tone, but we also have 3 articles specifically on payroll, so I am not going to go into too much detail on this point. In short, payroll is often ignored as it is perceived to be a low-cost item. But if you are going to automate, why not automate everything?

We use various integrated payroll tools to automate all the various items and postings around this exercise including hourly pay and pensions, and others. We are also proud to work with Payroll Bureau Partners across the UK and provide options to speak to experts if you need help with this. We also work with a wide range of accountants whom we obviously know use great technology so if you need advice in this area, we can assist.

Real-time Support with Live On Demand Screen Sharing from Training or Qualified Accountants

We believe that support should be provided in a certain way and often the best way can be summed up in one word… “NOW!”.

Sometimes even “now” is too late so we have also even created videos on demand in case you needed help yesterday. We invest a lot in our support with live chat, email, and phone to make sure people can get hold of us when they need help. We can also launch screenshares from our live chat and allow users to book calls with qualified accounting professionals at a time that suits them. If we have a library of video tutorials and if we are missing one, a request can be made, and we will create the content immediately.

Migrating Historical Transactional Data from a Previous Accounting System into a Potential New Solution

Different system providers tackle the tricky area of migrating historical accounting records in different ways. Some providers avoid it as much as possible and will simply recommend that balances are entered. Outside of this, you can use specific migration companies that will “copy and paste” your data across to your new accounting system.

This might happen by using a system-based approach or cheap resources to re-enter the data which can result in errors. We have sophisticated system-based techniques to move historic data (if you want to keep historic data) whilst keeping 7 years of records, as you should under the regulations. It also means that you can cancel your previous system subscriptions with no concerns.

Advisory Services around Automation from Source Data through to Statutory Filing Requirements

At the end of most processes, there is almost always the need to prepare financial statements or various reports for compliance services which will absorb your information in certain formats.

We can automate this process by providing the relevant data specific to the Accounts Preparation software being used, FCA reporting requirements, MTD and all other tax filings. All processes should be as automated as possible, right the way to the end.

Complete Training and Maintenance on Implemented Solutions

If you are implementing a new system in a business, you need to know you are going to get the support you need. We make sure you get that initial training you need in bitesize regular chunks to make sure it is not overwhelming, but you can get into the main course of the new way of working at your own speed.

We will work through the actual “doing” of your accounts, there is no “theory”. We are in it with you to get it all working as it should, and we can drop in and out as much as you need. We are not there one day and gone the next, businesses change, and new solutions often get introduced gradually or will need adapting and we are here to support your finance function now and in the future.

Start simple and then add the layers of complication or simply let us help with the more complex bits ‘till you are ready, so nothing stands still. We are here through the progression and evolution of your business to a simpler, better, scalable, more efficient, and cost-effective solution.

If you would like any more information on any of the above solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us at www.4pointzero.co.uk.

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