Payroll in a Modern Business Part 3: How can 4PointZero help?

29 April

Jamie Allen

To complete the payroll trilogy, I wanted to go through the solutions we have been able to provide regarding payroll over the last few years.

From an overarching perspective, bureaus and accountants may want or need to use differing systems across their portfolio, so with our single sign-on system, we can at least make this process more secure and traceable upon moving to the cloud. From within our portal, staff and employees can access many payroll and rota systems to conduct payroll/rota tasks or view their own information using 1 username and password securely. We also then track what access every user has, so if they leave, for example, their access is correspondingly removed from what is extremely sensitive information.

Moving into the operational space – You may have noticed in the last article I mentioned some work that we have performed using data from the Bizimply system. From our side, we have an API that can extract the time-based data from Bizimply so that we can perform a raft of reporting and analytics on employee performance by department. See the example below:

From a payroll perspective, Bizimply will have certain integrations and overall, from our client base, we still see a lot of businesses use SAGE desktop payroll to calculate their salaries which I imagine they will import the data into.

The push continues to move their payroll to the cloud. However, for those that continue to use SAGE payroll, we have been able to map one of their reports into our system, so they simply download and upload into the software and the payroll journal by department for their hundreds of staff is posted automatically into the accounting system. Indeed, with this mapping tool, we can map any report and post the accounting transaction if this was needed. However, our preference would obviously be to use a 100% system-based approach.

Outside of the mapping process and in-line with our portal approach, we have various system options and can also build integrations between certain systems should there be an operational or reporting need. This can include payroll, rota or practice management data for reporting and analytics purposes.

An example of this is billing for payroll. For certain companies, we extract data from a system’s API, for example, the number of employees or payslips, and we can use this information to create a billing process and automate the creation of the sales invoices for accountants and bureaus. We can do this from a bespoke perspective or there is a new and exciting system that has just been released from the Netherlands called Finwizer, which is aimed specifically at solving this billing issue. We are excited to see how this venture will go in the UK.

All these solutions are designed to save time for the businesses and bureaus plus improve the way they collaborate with their clients to make this as efficient and cost-effective as possible. This way the true cost of payroll in terms of system, payroll clerk, HR and management time is uncovered.

Beyond this, we continue to work with our partner Bureaus to find the best payroll solutions for our clients so that together we can deliver the best possible service in a secure manner. If you are interested in any of our payroll solutions, please do get in contact at


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