Know it
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Know-it automates the credit control process helping businesses in all industries make smarter credit decisions, get invoices paid quicker and boost cashflow.
Businesses can credit check and monitor companies, automatically chase for payment, collect overdue invoices and get quotes for credit insurance and invoice finance all in one place.
Know-it integrates with:
- Xero
- Sage
- Quickbooks
- Freeagent
Know it at a glance:
Free 30 day trial | Know-it-all: £169.99 per month | Pay as you go: Custom package.
Chaser HQ, Capitalise and Satago.
Credit checking, monitoring, chasing for payment, debt collection.
An all in one platform using industry leading intelligence and data.
Use case
Credit Management.
Check-it: Facility to credit report and monitor, alerts to any changes to your customers behaviour through real-time integrations | Chase-it: Automatically chase overdue invoices using customisable email, letters and SMS, synchronising with your accountancy package | Collect-it: Collect unpaid and overdue invoices | Credit Insure-it: Protect your business in the event your customer goes into liquidation or administration, with single invoice insurance | Invoice Finance-it: Borrow up to 95% of the value of your unpaid invoices to a maximum of £5 million.
Easy to set up | Instant alerts to any changes with your customers credit profile | Access to multiple data sources all in one platform.
Can’t chase invoice for users who can’t connect their ledger | Can’t recover outstanding invoices from consumers only B2B | Can't credit check consumers.
Target customers
B2B SMEs & Accountants that use either Xero, QuickBooks, Sage Business Cloud or FreeAgent.